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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Power Of Relaxation and Leisure

Well everyone, the weather is getting warmer and it is time to really think about taking some leisure time. According to recent studies, despite the many benefits of leisure activities, African Americans do not take advantage of this past time as much as their White counterparts. I remember as a child when my grandfather would load us up in his Bonneville for the Sunday drive. I looked forward to those drives on the open highways and then the anticipation of stopping for a nice cold treat. I also can remember my mother loading us in her car, as we drove from Philadelphia to Virginia, my mom never took the main highway she always traveled the scenic route, oh how I enjoyed looking out my window, enjoying the wonderful view. I still remember those moments and how it would assuage my anxieties

These images are forever etched in my mind, and whenever I want to think of simple times past, I recall those times when we hit the open road, I still love to travel by car to this very day. Taking the time for relaxation and leisure has some very powerful effects on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It allows us to connect and to recharge, to gain perspective of our life, to introspect and to regain focus on what is truly important. According to an article written in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, leisure time physical activity has a direct impact on our overall health. In information I extracted from a report by the Diabetes Prevention Program, leisure activity, or lack thereof, does have a direct impact on our health.

During physical activity, whole body oxygen consumption may increase by as much as 20 fold, and even greater increase may occur in the working muscles. This is from the American Diabetes Association, they also stated that the possible benefits of physical activity for a person with type 2 diabetes was substantial, and that recent studies strengthen the importance of long term physical activity programs. According to the American Institute Of Stress, contemporary stress tends to be more pervasive,persistent and insidious because it stems primarily from psychological than physical threats. Understanding the importance of relaxation and leisure is crucial, we all need time to unwind, take a load off and just loosen up. That stroll on the beach gives us time to let our creative juices flow and to just be, and it also allows for a time of effective, meaningful communication; and in our very digital society this is very welcoming to me.

The Sunday drive, gives you time to reconnect with nature as you roll down the windows and let the fresh air blow, being free, unencumbered with the cares of life. This reduces stress, because you are more relaxed and it creates a relaxing, calming effect. There will always be things to do, there will always be demands on our time, but there may not always be good health, especially if we do not take the time to give our whole self a chance to regroup and come back to the center of life. By learning to center our self we assist our body in creating homeostasis within itself and this creates an environment for good health to thrive. So, the next time you think about putting off that daycation or vacation think again, your very health could depend on it!

Fateria Johnson M.A. CSMC, CMBFC

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The hidden health dangers

Normally, I am a person who only eats fresh whole food and I must know what ingredients are being used in the preparation of my meal. The reason for this is because I am fully aware of the awful effects that some chemical additives in our food can have on our health. In the past I use to suffer with chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, acne and a host of other unexplainable illnesses that left me immobile most of the time. As I look around I can see many people unknowingly poisoning their systems with artificial colors and dyes and chemicals, yet they suffer from ailments that they nor their doctor can explain. In an effort to rid themselves of the symptoms associated with these illnesses they run to the doctor and are prescribed a remedy (drug) to alleviate the symptom without ever dealing with the cause of the problem.

As an individual who has eliminated all of my health problems by simply changed my diet and adopting effective stress management techniques, I am honored to share it with others. Just the other day, I was speaking at a function where lunch was provided, normally I would resist the temptation to indulge, but I thought to myself, what could possibly be wrong with the cheese pizza that was ordered; I was extremely hungry! I ate the pizza, went home and decided I would take a nap. I could feel my body chemistry changing as I became a bit ill and more tired, I recognized it because these were the same symptoms I experienced for years before changing my diet. When I woke up from my nap, I noticed that I was not feeling well in general, but I needed to complete the rest of my days agenda.

When I arrived home that evening, I was feeling worse, so bad in fact that I went straight to bed (these are the same symptoms I experienced in the past) I decided that I would look up the ingredients that this particular company uses to make its pizza and sauce, now remember, I buy only whole food products, that means they contain absolutely no artificial ingredients or preservatives. I eliminated soy from my diet and I make my own sauces when possible, so I knew that my body was probably reacting to an ingredient in the pizza. I decided to look up the ingredients and found that there were a few chemical additives and emulsifying agents and of course soy, which I can not have. The point is each and everyone of us are different and there are certain foods that you can tolerate, that may pose a health threat to someone else. The key is in knowing your hidden health dangers as it relates to food. In my opinion, all chemical additives and food dyes are not good for your long term health, but being an educated consumer will help you to understand what it is you are truly eating and to make healthy choices.
It is 4 your wellness!


Fateria Johnson is a Holistic Wellness Educator and Wellness Coach