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I am sitting here thinking about wellness and our communities. I often get concerned at how people would rather be fixed, instead of just taking preventive measures to maintaining wellness. If we are going to be truly well as a community of people, we must become educated in the Wholistic Path To Wellness. The Barnhart Concise dictionary of etymology defines holistic as the theory that nature produces whole organisms from small units, the term holism and holistic were coined from the Greek word holos meaning whole.
Taking the Wholistic path to our wellness involves looking at our whole self, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is important to understand how our thoughts influence our actions and the way that we feel in general. When we began to understand the journey to Wholistic wellness we will experience the freedom that comes from making wellness choices that impact our life and the lives of those around us. As we become educated about proper food choices, the benefits of fresh clean air, the effects of spiritual practice and physical exercise, we will become empowered and through this empowerment we enact change. The day has come for us to take charge and to not stand by helpless as diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cancer and other lifestyle diseases plague our communities.
I remember when my mother was dying, I was not fully educated in ways to help her overcome her illness. I have made a promise to myself and to God that I will share the education that I have gained with others so that they can be prepared in the many battles that we face in life and at least have a fighting chance. One thing that I have learned is that regular herbal detoxification is very important, because it helps to clean out our liver and kidneys and these organs help to filter out the toxins in our body. Toxins are a major cause of disease, as the toxins in our body accumulate in our body we become sluggish and are prone to sickness and disease. In order for us to function properly, we must have clean blood, and detoxifying helps to ensure that this happens.
Medical science tells us that disease can be cured by drugs, when in actuality in most cases what is happening is that you are suppressing the symptoms. Unless you get to the root of a condition (cause and effect) You will most likely suffer from that condition again or a similar condition like it, to truly be healed means not having to rely on an outside substance to maintain homeostasis. To be well is to be free . It is important to take the Wholistic path to wellness and to understand why you are sick in the first place and to trace the cause of the problem and work to eliminate that cause so that the effect will be complete wellness. Always remember these important points (Naturopathy For The 21st Century;Thiel)
1. The body under the normal natural conditions, is a self sustaining organism
2. The theory of health and disease is based on nature itself.
3. The body is governed by definite natural laws with regard to the physical, chemical, biological and physiological basis
4. Ill health, is therefore, as a result of a departure, from healthful living out of harmony with Natures laws.
5. To the degree that man adheres to and applies Natures beneficial laws, to that degree will the body, through its natural inherent powers restore itself to normal.
I hope that something mentioned here will encourage you to take the path to Wholistic Wellness, and to living a life full of vigor and joy that was intended for you from the beginning.
Fateria Johnson M.A. CSMC, CMBFS