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Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Importance Of Holistic Exercise

It is 5 am and I would rather just get a little more sleep, but I have come to enjoy the feeling that I get from my morning exercise . Sometimes I do a bit of yoga and then lift some weights, but the important thing that I am doing is taking the time out for personal development which not only affects my body but my mind as well. There is something quite empowering about making the choice to exercise, not because I have to or because I was told to but because I know it is adding wellness to my life. In our society, we tend to think that if you are not a member of a health club or gym then you can not really get a good exercise program going, but this is absolutely untrue. Some of the best workouts I have had was when I just put some music on and let my self go with the flow of the music, this was what I would term a holistic workout.

Taking the time to engage in 20 minutes of yoga is also very good for your mind as well as your body and will also lift your spirit as well. To me, exercise should not only revitalize your body, but stimulate your mind and spirit as well. Holistic exercise in the morning gets your mind and body in balance with each other and serves to prepare you for your day. Once you start this practice you will immediately begin to reap the benefits that holistic exercise will offer. Holistic exercise is light that will guide your day and once you light it, it will not go dim.

The more you practice holistic exercise, the brighter your light, the more energy you will have. Good health will only come when there is communication between each part of our body and mind, in essence when our cells communicate with each other. Holistic exercise promotes harmony of the body and mind. Another important aspect of holistic exercise is that it helps to reduce stress. With regular practice, you will strengthen the nervous system and build up immune response. Are you in need of just a bit more creativity? Holistic exercise will fan those dormant flames of creativity within you and create a spark of excitement and inspiration. Today, take the time for yourself, take just a moment to engage in holistic exercise, dance to some music for 20 minutes, take a walk with some relaxing music on your ipod, meditate, do yoga or tai chi; the point here is to explore holistic exercise in all it's many forms. You can start today, even if you have never done it before. You can start your day with that spark of energy and creativity that you deserve!