Develop your winning wellness game plan: Take the time to actively write out your goals so that you can review them and make adjustments when needed. Those athletes that win, do not just go to a game without preperation. I have come to the conclusion that devloping an action plan will lead you to the winners stand in life.
Seek out proven methods that will help you to get closer to your goals. Do you want to lose weight? eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more, change careers, whatever it is you are striving for, will take a strategy to accomplish. You can not afford to live your life by chance and expect positive outcomes.
Athletes that I enjoy watching have power. One of the reasons I love to teach Pilates is because it helps a person to develop core strength, that is building up the powerhouse. In life, you have to empower yourself in many ways, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, by doing this you fortify yourself for whatever comes your way and you will not waver easily. Sometimes all it takes is one more run, one more class, one more push to reach that determined finish line, but many people give up right at the last lap. This is where power and endurance will come into play. Be steadfast, unmoveable, concentrating on your goals and visualizing the win in your life, now thats a victory.
Athletes that win do not give in, they have endurance, and people who win at life must have endurance as well. One of the most important elements that I believe in a winner athletes life is the proper mind set. If you can get it settled in your mind, it will manifest in your heart. If you can not control your negative thought pattern, you can have the perfect action plan but your negative thoughts will get in the way of your big win .
You have to think yourself a winner, well, prosperous and achieving. You have to visualize the victory in your minds eye way before it will manifest in the physical realm. Challenges will come, and you have to know how to stand firm in the face of adversity. If you want to win at life, take the time to look at how winner's operate and then develop your own game plan. The game might be different but the fundamental strategies are the same.
Whole person wellness is within your reach. We live in a very fractured society, but I am confident that people can be whole and enjoy a life that is joyful and full of vitality.
I will see you in the winner's circle!