You know, I was talking to someone today about health and wellness. This individual was oblivious to the fact that their current weight and lifestyle was jeopardizing their health, they refused the advice of doctors to make changes from the inside out even though they have a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure and so forth. As we continued to talk, I pointed out the importance of keeping our body in tip top shape, from the inside to the outside. The individual then stopped in mid thought, pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of his brand new car...which he was about to get detailed, from the inside out! "My, I stated, you put more effort into your car than you do your own health", and then I started to write.
As African Americans, it is time to put our priorities in order. You can possess the finest cars, the nicest house, and wear the latest fashions, but if you do not have good health, and a sound mind, you have nothing. What good is it to ride around in that fancy car and when you get out you can barely walk to your destination because of obvious reason such as being overweight or lack of body conditioning. It is the truth that is going to set us free as a people, and I am going to tell the truth. We need to stop listening to the lies and believing the hype that others are saying to us, and start looking more closely at our most prized asset which is our health.
Lets just imagine if we took the time to detail our body the same way we do our cars, how would that work? First we would ensure that we only choose the best, natural products for our skin because we would not want to leave any residue, and you know most body care products contain harsh chemicals that have lasting effects that are damaging to your health. We would choose a natural bristle brush, to body brush to ensure the toxins accumulated can be lifted and we can generate wellness inside and out. We would exercise at least 5 times a week for 30 minutes a day, because we know that if we eat, we have to burn that energy off and exercising also keeps our body looking good as well as helping us to perform better as well. Lets not forget the inside, what detail would be complete without the finishing touches, this is where you spend most of your time, and who wants to be in an environment that is dirty, and unwelcoming...so it is with your cells, your cells have dwell within you and they need an environment conducive for carrying out the functions they were intended for.
If we feed our body junk food and garbage, then we risk damaging our cells and compromising our immune function. I think it is a good idea to give as much attention to our wellness as we do to the things in our life. Our body goes everywhere that we go, you can not detach from it. You cant just park it in the garage, or put it in the closet, it is who you are. Little steps make a big difference in your wellness, if you cannot commit to exercising 30 minutes a day, start out with a walk around the block for 20 minutes 3 x a week.
Each time you set a goal and meet it will give you a sense of accomplishment and the drive to want more. Add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your meals, small steps will pay off in the long run. Do everything in moderation when it comes to the detailing of your body, there are numerous activities you can do to keep moving. Always keep in mind that in order to be fit, you have to empower yourself, fitness has no staying power on its own. You might have been an athlete back in the day, but if you are not keeping active, then that is no benefit to you now.
Your car was once new, show room shiny and in great shape, but over the years, the wear and tear can take its toll. You can circumvent some of the damage by proper care and detailing, and it will continue to run well and perform its best (for its age). Today, make the commitment to detail your body for maximum wellness, and watch how heads turn and you take a spin around the block!