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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Walking Into Wellness Holistically

Today is a new day, I am thinking about all that life has to offer. A thought came to me as I was meditating this morning about how powerful a simple brisk walk can be in reducing high blood pressure. The beautiful thing about walking is, it does not cost you anything, just a willingness to be well, and there are so many benefits to this simple routine. lets start with some facts,

More than 35% of African Americans have high blood pressure, which accounts for more than 20% of the African American deaths in the US. (people are stressed, sedentary, eating the wrong food)

Compared with whites, hypertension develops earlier in life, and average blood pressures are much higher in African Americans.(this is probably due to the junk food diet fed to most African American children, and lack of proper exercise )

African Americans with high blood pressure have a much higher chance of developing heart disease, than in the general population. But there is hope! First, lets get an understanding of what hypertension truly is, and the underlying causes.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure is a serious conditions that affects one in three American people. Blood pressure is the force of blood as it pumps through your arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80. The top number represents your systolic blood pressure, this relates to the pressure in the arteries, as the heart contracts and pumps blood. The bottom number represents your diastolic blood pressure, and this relates to the blood pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes after contraction. Many people are starting to understand the relationship between high blood pressure and stress, nutrition and exercise. I believe that these three elements have a major role to play in the severity of this disease.

Now that we have a basic understanding of what high blood pressure is, lets talk about ways to help with this issue. Studies show that with 30 minutes of brisk walking three times a week you will lower your blood pressure and help with your overall wellness. As a stress management coach, I constantly look for new ways to help other as well as myself relieve the negative effects of stress. I have found that yoga is very beneficial in doing this. According to DR.Sujit, M.D. DM DMB, Endocrinologist, Diabetologist, observed effects of yoga on hypertension include the following:

Reduces blood pressure to the tune of 10-15mm/hg

Yoga can help with weight loss, which in turn can reduce blood pressure

Regular yoga performers are less likely to suffer from hypertension than their age and sex matched counterparts.
Certain postures in yoga do offer controlled pressure on the kidneys and adrenals, thereby regulating blood supply to these vital organs which mainly regulate b.p. through secretions of rennin, angiotensin etc.

I also recommend the practice of Tai Chi for hypertension, let me share with you why; I like to think of Tai Chi as the prescription of meditation and focus. There is a relaxation response triggered by Tai Chi, which will result in decreased heart rate, blood pressure, decreased metabolism and slower brain waves. I personally practice Tai Chi, and it helps me along with proper nutrition manage my hyperthyroid without the use of toxic drug therapy.

So as we can see, it is possible to walk your way into wellness, if you are consistent and desire to make a true lifestyle change. As a holistic wellness coach, I have come to realize that balance in life is truly the key. with these elements togther, exercise, stress management and proper nutrition, you are well on your way to helping your body to maintain and heal itself!

Lets take a walk today into wellness.

Fateria Johnson M.A. CSMC CMBFS

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