This morning I had what I like to call my morning elixir. It is a smoothie that is power packed with vitamins and nutrients that will help to to start your day right. Normally upon waking, you are normally thirsty instead of hungry and this is because of the dehydration that occurs during sleep. This drink will help to balance you as well as purify your system
Fresh organe juice
fresh ginger root (a small piece)Ginger is very strong)
A good blender is the GE Perfect Blend, you can get it at Walmart for less than 40.00. You do not have to use ice as long as you freeze your fruit before using it (wash very well before use), you can freeze the banana as well.
Add the orange juice to the blender about 2 cups, but this would depend on how many people you are serving, then add the banana, papaya and rest of fruit and your cut ginger. Blend about 45 seconds or until consistency is one that you like. add as much fruit as you like but make sure you adjust the orange juice as well. Now you can serve and enjoy. Lets talk about the health benefits of this one drink:
Papaya offers protection against heart disease
Bananas are high in potassium and is useful in lowering blood pressure
Rasberries as an antioxidant food contain ellagic acid, raspberries help prevent unwanted damage to cell membranes and other structures in the body by neutralizing free radicals. They are an excellent source of vitamin c and manganese, two critical antioxidant nutrients that help protect the body's tissue from oxygen related damage.
Blueberries neutralizes free radicals in the body which help reduce disease and aging. They also aid in reducing belly fat.
Blackberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and E. Vitamin C helps to protect
against infections and cancers. Vitamin E is effective for heart and circulatory
problems. Blackberries are also a good source of potassium and fiber pectin.
Ginger Root is helpful against colorectal cancer and ovarian cancer cells. Ginger extracts have been shown to have both antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects on cells. Ginger root also provide relief from nausea and gastrointestinal relief.
Enjoy you elixir in the morning or whenever you feel the need for a healthy boost!
Great morning elixir ideas. I think it is very healthy and also for morning drink. Thanks for sharing!
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