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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Cultural Lifestyle Change

Every day, millions of African Americans wake up and want to look better and feel better.  The problem is that many of the methods for wellness on the market today are not targeting or are not geared toward African American.  It seems to be very difficult for African Americans to cut themselves loose from the mainstream American Standards, and with those standards are coming a host of health problems.  Our food consumption as African American are up, and our activity level is down.  It is time to make a change.  When you turn on the television, many times we are not represented in the fitness arena, or health areas as a people that are healthy and fit.  When African American get breast cancer as opposed to their white counter parts they are more likely to die form it.  This trend must end. 

Charles Wsir Johnson wrote that for there to be black history there must be a positive health history.  I want to encourage everyone reading this post to grab a loved one, and get started on a health and wellness revolution.  It is in our culture to be active, healthy and well.  We were the healers of our families in ancient time.  Today, we torture ourselves to meet societies standards of beauty and neglect the health and well being of ourself and our families.  It seems that many are more concerned about image than health, fitness or wellness.  We get more concerned about how we look than how we feel internally.  Images in the mainstream media does not address our reality and the time is now to take a long hard look at what is really going on with the African American Community. 

According to Marcus Garvey, an error not corrected will become fact.  It is time to correct the errors for the wellness of our communities.  When you love yourself, and your culture, you want to preserve it and take good care of it.  What legacy will you leave?  One of disease, sickness, prescriptions?  Or one of wellness, health, fitness and vitality?  Today, make a cultural lifestyle change for wellness.

Dr. Fateria Johnson   www.wellnessbyfateria.com    www.its4yourwellness.com

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