Thursday, December 30, 2010
Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber
Are you supplying your body with an adequate source of vitamins, minerals and fiber? Vegetables and whole grains are our primary source for the essential nutrients that we need. It is very important for us to ensure that we eat an abundant supply of these foods in order to prevent disease and to help with vitamin deficiencies. By eating these foods,we can provide our body with fiber which will aid in regular bowel movements and can prevent cancer in our colons.
As a whole, African Americans do not eat enough foods rich in fiber and essential nutrients, that would explain why we have such a high rate of disease and premature aging. This type of nutrient deficiency will limit our bodies natural ability to ward of illness and disease. The right amount of minerals are needed in order for us to maintain health there must be a balance, too much or too little may not be noticed immediately but later in life it may put us at risk for certain diseases. Because of our adapting to western culture, many have been accustomed to soul food rich with seasons and sauces that do plenty for your taste buds but almost nothing in terms of adding wellness to your life, historically we have not always cooked like this.
I remember fondly the days at my grand mom Mama's house and yes we did call her Big Mama! Mama would cook up some delicious food and you could smell it coming up the street. All of our family and social gatherings centered around food, it was a sin not to have some great dishes waiting when guest arrived. As I think back to these times, I do not remember many balanced meals. I remember a lot of fried foods, collards that had the life cooked out of them rich gravies made with bleached flour and a host of other items that were high in saturated fat and calories, rarely did we have a fresh salad or whole grain bread or snacks that included fruits and raw vegetables. Today we have an abundance of nutrition information at our disposal, and if we would only take the time to educate ourselves on the value of whole foods and our true history, we can possibly save our next generation from the many lifestyle diseases that are prevalent right now such as diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, and certain cancers.
Make the choice today to choose whole foods, foods rich in essential nutrients such as fresh fruits and raw vegetables, these types of foods act as roughage for our intestines and will cleanse and detoxify. These foods will give you added protection against disease. These were truly the foods of our ancestors, foods rich in whole grain, fresh fruit and vegetables. Here is a little something extra for your research and study!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Morning Elixir

This morning I had what I like to call my morning elixir. It is a smoothie that is power packed with vitamins and nutrients that will help to to start your day right. Normally upon waking, you are normally thirsty instead of hungry and this is because of the dehydration that occurs during sleep. This drink will help to balance you as well as purify your system
Fresh organe juice
fresh ginger root (a small piece)Ginger is very strong)
A good blender is the GE Perfect Blend, you can get it at Walmart for less than 40.00. You do not have to use ice as long as you freeze your fruit before using it (wash very well before use), you can freeze the banana as well.
Add the orange juice to the blender about 2 cups, but this would depend on how many people you are serving, then add the banana, papaya and rest of fruit and your cut ginger. Blend about 45 seconds or until consistency is one that you like. add as much fruit as you like but make sure you adjust the orange juice as well. Now you can serve and enjoy. Lets talk about the health benefits of this one drink:
Papaya offers protection against heart disease
Bananas are high in potassium and is useful in lowering blood pressure
Rasberries as an antioxidant food contain ellagic acid, raspberries help prevent unwanted damage to cell membranes and other structures in the body by neutralizing free radicals. They are an excellent source of vitamin c and manganese, two critical antioxidant nutrients that help protect the body's tissue from oxygen related damage.
Blueberries neutralizes free radicals in the body which help reduce disease and aging. They also aid in reducing belly fat.
Blackberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and E. Vitamin C helps to protect
against infections and cancers. Vitamin E is effective for heart and circulatory
problems. Blackberries are also a good source of potassium and fiber pectin.
Ginger Root is helpful against colorectal cancer and ovarian cancer cells. Ginger extracts have been shown to have both antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects on cells. Ginger root also provide relief from nausea and gastrointestinal relief.
Enjoy you elixir in the morning or whenever you feel the need for a healthy boost!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Walking Into Holistic Wellness
The major findings:
• On average, African-American men in the study were three years younger than the white men, yet African-American men's fitness capacity was 7% lower than that of white men. The difference is considered significant.
• On average, African-American women in the study were four years younger than the white women. Yet African-American women's fitness capacity was 3% lower than that of white women. This difference is not considered significant.
• African-American men were more likely to be obese than white men: 44% vs. 33%.
• African-American women were more likely to be obese than white women: 37% vs. 27%.
• African-American women were also more likely than white women to be severely obese: 19% vs. 11%.
The study notes that the best predictor for premature death is poor physical fitness. Developing a walking routine takes about 20- 30 minutes of your day and is a great way to start developing overall physical fitness. We must banish the myth that in order to be physical fit you must join the gym or work out with the latest equipment. Walking into holistic wellness is free but the rewards are worth much.
Let me take the time to point out a few of the benefits according to recent research. According to Active.com walking will tone your body, put you on an emotional high and melt away pounds. All you need is the correct technique, walk faster and longer and you will definitely see and feel results. Researchers at the University Of Massachusetts found that people who walked everyday had 25% fewer colds. According to Johns Hopkins University, walking will reduce high blood pressure; the reason for this is that exercise produces weight loss and increased sensitivity to insulin (a hormone involved in the control of blood sugar) which in turn decrease blood pressure. Unfortunately, hypertension in African Americans is quite common, it is something we have come to accept and I say that it does not have to be so. African Americans have a higher rate of death from stroke and kidney disease. My mother died from kidney failure at the young age of 57, but she also suffered from hypertension as well, she never drank alcohol, she never smoked, but she also never exercised and ate the wrong types of food. Studies are now revealing that hypertension treatment can begin with a lifestyle change and for many that will be the only treatment that will ever be needed. Take the time today to walk into holistic wellness. It will definitely impact your body,mind, emotions and spirit.
Fateria Johnson M.A. CMBFS
Fateria is a NESTA certified Lifestyle And Weight Management Specialist and Holistic Wellness Educator. She welcomes any questions you may have on getting well holistically. She can be reached at naturalhealth@its4yourwellness.com
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Healing With Whole Food
As I was doing some research this week about healing foods and I came across fiber, and the importance of fiber in our diet. Many people today are suffering from ailments that can truly be corrected with the proper nutritional balancing. The term fiber refers to carbohydrates that can not be digested and fiber acts as an intestinal broom in your system. There are two types of fiber, insoluble and soluble. Our body requires 35 grams or more of fiber a day in order to function properly.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute, viscous fiber such as those found in oat products and legumes can lower serum LDL levels and and normalize blood glucose and insulin response. The same study reports that numerous people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes that increased their fiber intake improved blood serum lipid profiles. As we can see, fiber is a very important element that should be included in our diet on a daily basis. There are numerous studies that show a link between high fiber intake and the reduction of disease. When we eat high fiber food, the fiber absorbs the toxins in our body and drives them out with it as it is eliminated. Since fiber is not digested or absorbed it very beneficial for this purpose. Cancer, diabetes, diverticulitis, breast cancer, IBS, colon cancer, all of these diseases are positively affected by a high intake of fiber.
Food Serving Fiber. Studies report that African American Women are likely to die from breast cancer and this same study believes that diet and exercise (or lack thereof) is a contributing factor. Read more about the study on the following link.
It is truly time to heal our self with whole food. Processed food is destroying our communities at an alarming rate. We are truly paying the price for it in the form of these lifestyle diseases that even the experts are realizing the truth about what the underlying causes are. Disease does not just happen by chance, it is a process that happens as we provide the conditions in our body that welcome these offenders. Healing will begin with going back to the basics of a whole food diet. That will provide us with the dietary fiber we need for maximum wellness.
Serving and amount of dietary fiber in grams(g)
Navy beans, cooked from dried 1 cup 19.1
Split peas, cooked from dried 1 cup 16.3
Lentils, cooked from dried 1 cup 15.6
Kidney beans, canned 1 cup 13.6
Refried beans, canned 1 cup 12.1
Cereals and grains
100% (wheat) Bran Cereal 1/2 cup 12.5
Bulgur, cooked 1 cup 8.2
Pearled barley, cooked 1 cup 6.0
Oat bran, cooked 1 cup 5.7
Quinoa, cooked 1 cup 5.2
Instant oatmeal, cooked 1 cup 4.0
Rice, long-grained brown, cooked 1 cup 3.5
Artichoke hearts, cooked 1 cup 14.4
Spinach, frozen, cooked 1 cup 7.0
Brussel sprouts, frozen, cooked 1 cup 6.4
Winter squash, cooked 1 cup 5.7
Mushrooms, cooked from fresh 1 cup 3.4
Prunes, uncooked 1 cup, pitted 12.4
Asian pear 1 pear 9.9
Guava, fresh 1 cup 8.9
Raspberries, fresh 1 cup 8.0
Blackberries, fresh 1 cup 7.6
Nuts and Seeds
Almonds 1 ounce (23 kernels) 3.5
Pistachio nuts 1 ounce (49 kernels) 2.9
Pecans 1 ounce (19 halves) 2.7
Peanuts 1 ounce (33 kernels)
Fateria Johnson M.A. Holistic Wellness Educator
Friday, October 22, 2010
Change Your Perspective

We all have a perspective of life. Sometimes we allow our perspective to lean more towards the negative than we should, when we do this we also affect our mood in a negative way as well. Speaking positive affirmations to our self is a great way to change your perspective and alter your mood for the positive. I like to encourage myself daily, because if I wait for someone else to do it...well it my not come. If I am sitting in a traffic jam(which I hate) I shift my focus on to something positive.
If I am out around town or at work and I come in contact with someone with a negative attitude, I shift my focus to something more becoming. What ever thing you meditate on the most, that is the thing that will occupy your mind, seep into your heart and ultimately affect your behaviour. Choose to meditate on things that are beautiful, encouraging and productive. I could sit in traffic and scream, get really angry and think about all the reasons why I hate being in that situation, or I could just shift my focus to how I am going to have a relaxing lunch, and about the very productive day that I am going to have. Our perspective sets the very tone for our day.
If we allow our perspective to be clouded and negative, then everything we see from that point on will be clouded with negativity. If we choose to change how we see things thus shifting our perspective we will have a positive impact on our mood and everything that follows will be like a cool much needed breeze.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Importance Of Holistic Exercise
It is 5 am and I would rather just get a little more sleep, but I have come to enjoy the feeling that I get from my morning exercise . Sometimes I do a bit of yoga and then lift some weights, but the important thing that I am doing is taking the time out for personal development which not only affects my body but my mind as well. There is something quite empowering about making the choice to exercise, not because I have to or because I was told to but because I know it is adding wellness to my life. In our society, we tend to think that if you are not a member of a health club or gym then you can not really get a good exercise program going, but this is absolutely untrue. Some of the best workouts I have had was when I just put some music on and let my self go with the flow of the music, this was what I would term a holistic workout.
Taking the time to engage in 20 minutes of yoga is also very good for your mind as well as your body and will also lift your spirit as well. To me, exercise should not only revitalize your body, but stimulate your mind and spirit as well. Holistic exercise in the morning gets your mind and body in balance with each other and serves to prepare you for your day. Once you start this practice you will immediately begin to reap the benefits that holistic exercise will offer. Holistic exercise is light that will guide your day and once you light it, it will not go dim.
The more you practice holistic exercise, the brighter your light, the more energy you will have. Good health will only come when there is communication between each part of our body and mind, in essence when our cells communicate with each other. Holistic exercise promotes harmony of the body and mind. Another important aspect of holistic exercise is that it helps to reduce stress. With regular practice, you will strengthen the nervous system and build up immune response. Are you in need of just a bit more creativity? Holistic exercise will fan those dormant flames of creativity within you and create a spark of excitement and inspiration. Today, take the time for yourself, take just a moment to engage in holistic exercise, dance to some music for 20 minutes, take a walk with some relaxing music on your ipod, meditate, do yoga or tai chi; the point here is to explore holistic exercise in all it's many forms. You can start today, even if you have never done it before. You can start your day with that spark of energy and creativity that you deserve!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Taking The Wholistic Path To Wellness

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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Tend to Your Own Temple

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Power Of Relaxation and Leisure

Sunday, March 21, 2010
The hidden health dangers

As an individual who has eliminated all of my health problems by simply changed my diet and adopting effective stress management techniques, I am honored to share it with others. Just the other day, I was speaking at a function where lunch was provided, normally I would resist the temptation to indulge, but I thought to myself, what could possibly be wrong with the cheese pizza that was ordered; I was extremely hungry! I ate the pizza, went home and decided I would take a nap. I could feel my body chemistry changing as I became a bit ill and more tired, I recognized it because these were the same symptoms I experienced for years before changing my diet. When I woke up from my nap, I noticed that I was not feeling well in general, but I needed to complete the rest of my days agenda.
When I arrived home that evening, I was feeling worse, so bad in fact that I went straight to bed (these are the same symptoms I experienced in the past) I decided that I would look up the ingredients that this particular company uses to make its pizza and sauce, now remember, I buy only whole food products, that means they contain absolutely no artificial ingredients or preservatives. I eliminated soy from my diet and I make my own sauces when possible, so I knew that my body was probably reacting to an ingredient in the pizza. I decided to look up the ingredients and found that there were a few chemical additives and emulsifying agents and of course soy, which I can not have. The point is each and everyone of us are different and there are certain foods that you can tolerate, that may pose a health threat to someone else. The key is in knowing your hidden health dangers as it relates to food. In my opinion, all chemical additives and food dyes are not good for your long term health, but being an educated consumer will help you to understand what it is you are truly eating and to make healthy choices.
Fateria Johnson is a Holistic Wellness Educator and Wellness Coach
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Walking Into Wellness Holistically
More than 35% of African Americans have high blood pressure, which accounts for more than 20% of the African American deaths in the US. (people are stressed, sedentary, eating the wrong food)
Compared with whites, hypertension develops earlier in life, and average blood pressures are much higher in African Americans.(this is probably due to the junk food diet fed to most African American children, and lack of proper exercise )
African Americans with high blood pressure have a much higher chance of developing heart disease, than in the general population. But there is hope! First, lets get an understanding of what hypertension truly is, and the underlying causes.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure is a serious conditions that affects one in three American people. Blood pressure is the force of blood as it pumps through your arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80. The top number represents your systolic blood pressure, this relates to the pressure in the arteries, as the heart contracts and pumps blood. The bottom number represents your diastolic blood pressure, and this relates to the blood pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes after contraction. Many people are starting to understand the relationship between high blood pressure and stress, nutrition and exercise. I believe that these three elements have a major role to play in the severity of this disease.
Now that we have a basic understanding of what high blood pressure is, lets talk about ways to help with this issue. Studies show that with 30 minutes of brisk walking three times a week you will lower your blood pressure and help with your overall wellness. As a stress management coach, I constantly look for new ways to help other as well as myself relieve the negative effects of stress. I have found that yoga is very beneficial in doing this. According to DR.Sujit, M.D. DM DMB, Endocrinologist, Diabetologist, observed effects of yoga on hypertension include the following:
Reduces blood pressure to the tune of 10-15mm/hg
Yoga can help with weight loss, which in turn can reduce blood pressure
Regular yoga performers are less likely to suffer from hypertension than their age and sex matched counterparts.
Certain postures in yoga do offer controlled pressure on the kidneys and adrenals, thereby regulating blood supply to these vital organs which mainly regulate b.p. through secretions of rennin, angiotensin etc.
I also recommend the practice of Tai Chi for hypertension, let me share with you why; I like to think of Tai Chi as the prescription of meditation and focus. There is a relaxation response triggered by Tai Chi, which will result in decreased heart rate, blood pressure, decreased metabolism and slower brain waves. I personally practice Tai Chi, and it helps me along with proper nutrition manage my hyperthyroid without the use of toxic drug therapy.
So as we can see, it is possible to walk your way into wellness, if you are consistent and desire to make a true lifestyle change. As a holistic wellness coach, I have come to realize that balance in life is truly the key. with these elements togther, exercise, stress management and proper nutrition, you are well on your way to helping your body to maintain and heal itself!
Lets take a walk today into wellness.
Fateria Johnson M.A. CSMC CMBFS
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Power Of Good Nutrition
Nutrition is the relationship between diet and health, what we eat determines what type of fuel we are going to give our whole body and what type of weapons we are going to give our immune system to combat invaders. Our SAD (Standard American Diet) does not provide the adequate amount of nutrients that are needed to combat the ever day attacks that we are facing via, environmental, physical , mental and social stresses. A nutrient is the element necessary for our functioning as human beings. These needed nutrients nourish our body and provide the energy and materials needed for the upkeep and regulation of our many body processes. when we do not fully become aware of the power of good nutrition we allow ourselves to become prey to many sometimes unnecessary diseases.
The most important thing we can do is to drink at plenty of water each day. The ideal consumption of water should be about 1/2 ounce for every pound of body weight. Drink about 6 ounces every hour to keep hydrated. We need water for digestion, absorption, circulation and elimination to function properly and dehydration is a cause for many illnesses as well. The next thing that we could do to ensure that we experience the power of good nutrition is to eat an array of fresh fruits and vegetables, and to limit our intake of refined foods and sugars.
Refined sugars actually deplete many of the nutrients that we need to maintain wellness. Having a well balanced diet will ensure that we get all that our body needs for maximum functioning. We need fiber from whole grains, nutrients from fresh fruit and vegetables and protein from a variety of sources. If you are not going to eat meat then it is important that you make meals that together make up a complete protein, as vegetables or grains alone do not provide this but lentils with brown rice will complete the full protein chain that is needed. Hippocrates said to let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food, so take that to heart the next time you are planning your meals.
The power of good nutrition does not need a prescription, just a willingness to plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks. Here's to good health always!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Soul food for your wellness
African Americans with diabetes are more likely than white Americans to experience complications from this disease.
According to the office on minority health,
African Americans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes as non-Hispanic whites. In addition, they are more likely to suffer complications from diabetes, such as end-stage renal disease and lower extremity amputations. Although African Americans have the same or lower rate of high cholesterol as their non-Hispanic white counterparts, they are more likely to have high blood pressure.
African American adults are twice as likely than non-Hispanic white adults to have been diagnosed with diabetes by a physician.
In 2006, African American men were 2.2 times as likely to start treatment for end-stage renal disease related to diabetes, as compared to non-Hispanic white men.
In 2005, diabetic African Americans were twice as likely as diabetic Whites to be hospitalized.
In 2006, African Americans were 2.3 times as likely as non-Hispanic Whites to die from diabetes.
As a natural health professional, I understand that under the right conditions the body will function properly. When we provide our body with the proper fuel, we are also providing our cells the needed nutrients to sustain a healthy life. These warrior cells provide the defense for would be invaders. Like any army though, these cells must be properly fed, when we feed our body valuless foods highly processed and laden with refined sugars we make the process of eliminating harmful bacteria a tedious one, and the end result will be dis-ease. A weak immune sytem is one of the major reasons that people get sick, and foods high in refined sugars suppress our immune system function. There is a sugar that I have found and it is called sugar in the raw. It is a raw natural cane sugar, it is not refined.
The refining process removes the vitamins and minerals out and leaves you with pure refined carbohydrates, thats why it is so dangerous. It is an empty or naked calorie, it is pure sucrose. Raw sugar (sugar in the raw) Can be purchased at your grocery store (you may have to look hard) but it is natural and the nutrients remain intact. Sugar in the raw can be used to replace that pure cane refined sugar in your lemonade or ice tea recipes, also use fresh real lemons instead of processed lemon drinks or koolade as these contain hidden sugars and artificial flavorings as well. Lemons have beneficial health benefits that will last a lifetime.
Lets talk about bleached flour and cooking oil, most people when frying chicked use white bleached flour and lots of cooking oil, but there is a better healthier way. Replace that bleached flour with unbleached whole wheat flour, bleach flour is very poisonous because in the refining process, all the nutritous grain is removed. White flour also contains a diabetes causing contaminant called alloxan, alloxan is the chemical that makes white flour beautiful and clean, now is that worth your health?.
According to the Organic Consumers Association, Scientists have known of the alloxan-diabetes connection for years; in fact, researchers who are studying diabetes commonly use the chemical to induce the disorder in lab animals. In the research sense, giving alloxan to an animal is similar to injecting that animal with a deadly virus, as both alloxan and the virus are being used specifically to cause illness. Every day, consumers ingest foods made with alloxan-contaminated flour. Would they just as willingly consume foods tainted with a deadly virus? Unless they had a death wish, they probably would not. Unfortunately, most consumers are unaware of alloxan and its potentially fatal link to diabetes because these facts are not well publicized by the food industry.
Wheat flour is nutritous and I use it for my oven fried chicken recipe. I coat my chicked with the wheat flour, of course I use all natural sea salt and herbal seasoning, fresh garlic powders...no season salt with msg (monosodium glutamate) or table salt. I oil my oven pan lightly with olive oil, no need to drown the chicken, and then I cook at 350 degrees for 45 minutes each side...delicious and good for you oven fried chicken and noone even has to know you cooked it in the oven! Taking the time to just replace refined sugars and ingredients in your recipes will greatly impact your overall health, and do not forget after that delicious meal, take a family walk around the block or make time in your daily shedule for some form of exercise. Now, that is soul food for your wellness, stay tuned as we discuss more topics for African American Wellness.
You can contact me @ http://www.its4yourwellness.com/